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1 min read
Word of the Day - Absolve
Absolve – ax b z oh l v Set someone free of blame or guilt I absolve you of the crime. Definition verb to free from guilt or blame or...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Turgid
Turgid – t er jh ih d Stiff, swollen or extended The river was fast and turgid. Definition adjective swollen; distended; tumid. inflated,...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Aphelion
Aphelion – ae f iy l y ax n The point in an orbit when a planet is furthest from the sun The Earth reached its aphelion on June 21st...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Turbid
Turbid – t er b ih d Cloudy or opaque The water looked turbid and uninviting. Definition adjective not clear or transparent because of...
2 min read
Speaking Better English - The Metaphor and how to use it
The Metaphor Similes and Metaphors are often confused as they do the same sort of thing. Simile He was like a lion in battle Metaphor He...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Esoteric
Esoteric – eh s ow t eh r ih k Only likely to be understood by a small number of people with specialised knowledge. Only a few could...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Clandestine
Clandestine – k l ae n d eh s t ih n Done secretively especially because illicit Peter and Joe made some clandestine plans. Definition...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Lodestone
Lodestone – l ow d s t ow n A piece of Magnetite able to be used as a magnet We floated a piece of lodestone to make a makeshift compass...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Flotsam
Flotsam – f l oh t s ax m Floating ship wreckage I found the old bottle floating in the flotsam Definition noun the part of the wreckage...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Advocate
Advocate – ae d v ax k ey t Publicly recommended I advocate a glass of red wine per day to stay healthy Definition verb to speak or write...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Epidemic
Epidemic – eh p ih d eh m ih k A widespread infectious disease in a community or country Covid-19 was epidemic in China then it spread to...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Copious
Copious – k ow p iy ax s Abundant in supply The boy took copious notes. Definition adjective large in quantity or number; abundant;...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Ombudsman
Ombudsman – oh m b uh d z m ae n An official appointed to investigate and individual’s complaints The ombudsman called to collect my...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Peruse
Peruse - p az r uw z Read things in a careful way I perused the titles in the library Definition verb to read through with thoroughness...
1 min read
Speaking Better English - Simile
A simile is a figure of speech where one thing is compared with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Empirical
Empirical ih m p ih r ih k ax l Based on observation or experience rather than theory or logic Peter provided a lot of empirical evidence...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Colony
Colony - k oh l ax n iy A group of families living and working together Soon we might be able to build a colony in space Definition noun...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Gauntlet
Gauntlet - g ao n t l ih t A stout glove with a long loose wrist I have to run the gauntlet to get past him. Definition noun a medieval...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Pandemic
Pandemic - p ae n d eh m ih k An outbreak of a disease of many countries The Covid pandemic spread exceedingly fast Definition adjective...
1 min read
Word of the Day - Pledge
Pledge - p l eh jh To commit to or to take a solemn promise I pledge my allegiance to you Definition noun a solemn promise or agreement...
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